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Understanding PTSD

Updated: Nov 6, 2020

Are you living with fear after experiencing a life threating event? You may be showing signs of PTSD.

For years, people have mainly associated Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with war. However, the truth is, PTSD can manifest after an individual have experienced or witnessed a single life threatening event. These life threating events are called trauma. Trauma can leave a person feeling as if they had no control over what was happening and afraid. Weather the threat is real or perceived, PTSD can transpire. Some traumatic events that can cause PTSD are:

· Abuse and neglect

· Assault

· Traffic accidents

· Witnessing or learning of a death

· Community and Domestic violence

· Natural disasters

· War

Everyone that encounters a life threating experience does not develop PTSD. It is natural and normal to feel afraid after a dangerous, shocking or life threatening event. The body fear response may manifest as fight, flight or freeze as a way to protect from hurt, harm or danger. Many recover naturally. However, those that continue to feel afraid and on edge after 1 month, even when no threat is present may be diagnosed with PTSD.

Symptoms of PTSD include but not limited to:

· Flashbacks

· Exaggerated startle response

· Nightmare

· Avoiding people, places or things associated with the event

· Recurring thoughts of the event

· Anger

· Irritability

· Difficulty sleeping

· Difficulty concentrating or remembering

· Loss of interest in activities

If you are experiencing some of these symptoms, help is available. You are not alone. Treatment can help you have a better quality of life.

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